The Project Process

The process leading up to the successful energization of an electric transmission project is lengthy and exacting to ensure that the project meets the public’s need and is designed and constructed in a way that protects the environment and minimizes community impacts. Here’s a look at the steps involved in the Propel NY Energy project:

  • Identification of Public Need (March 2021). The New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) identified a need for electric transmission improvements.

  • Project Evaluation and Selection (Summer 2021-Summer 2023). The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), operator of New York’s electric grid, solicited competitive proposals and awarded the project to NYPA and New York Transco.

  • Community Outreach (Ongoing). NYPA and New York Transco are committed to informing and engaging with neighbors, local government officials and other stakeholders is critically important throughout all project phases and activities. Open, candid and regular engagement helps guide our decisions and results in the most community-minded transmission solution.

  • Surveying, Engineering & Design (Ongoing until mid-2026). NYPA, New York Transco and our contractors go through an extensive planning and design process to finalize project logistics for presentation to the PSC for final permitting approvals.

  • Permitting (Estimated Summer 2024-Mid-2026). Propel NY Energy must go through a variety of local, state and federal review and permitting processes to ensure that our work is performed in a safe, environmentally responsible, and community-minded way. The most extensive of these is New York State’s Article VII process.

  • Construction (Estimated Mid-2026-May 2030). Qualified contractors will be selected to build the Propel NY Energy project in compliance with all permits and in a manner that is as least disruptive as possible to our neighbors and the surrounding environment.

  • Restoration (Upon completion of construction). Any areas temporarily disturbed by Propel NY Energy’s construction will be restored to the same or better conditions than prior to construction. Finalization of a restoration plan will be part of the permitting process.

When complete, Propel NY Energy will have modernized a critical part of New York State’s energy transmission system, alleviating energy bottlenecks, allowing for greater flow of clean energy, and improving the reliability and resiliency of the transmission system for New York homes and businesses.