Electrical grid improvements
to benefit our daily lives.

Our Mission: A Reliable Grid & Clean Energy for NY Homes and Businesses

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New York Power Authority (NYPA) and New York Transco were selected through a competitive process by the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) to bolster parts of the electric transmission network — the backbone of the electric grid — on Long Island, in New York City and across Westchester County.

The transmission system is the network of lines and substations that carry electricity long distances from where it is generated to the local distribution systems that supply our homes and businesses. New York’s transmission system is in serious need of improvements and expansion, and Propel NY Energy will play an important role.

These improvements will improve reliability and resiliency and help deliver more clean energy into the statewide electric grid, including offshore wind.

Propel NY Energy will accomplish this with:

  • Underground and submarine transmission lines carefully routed to avoid and minimize construction impacts while supporting local jobs and economic opportunity

  • New and upgraded substations strategically located to provide the most efficient and reliable flow of clean energy

Proven NY Energy Experience 

Both NYPA and New York Transco have strong records of success in design, permitting and construction of complex transmission projects in New York State. We have both won past competitive bid processes and are currently constructing clean energy transmission projects across the State.

NY Companies Invested in NY Communities

We are New York-based and New York-focused — developing and implementing energy solutions that benefit all New Yorkers in ways that respect and reflect local voices and local values. We pride ourselves on working closely with all stakeholders to ensure our project prioritizes the wellbeing of communities and protects the surrounding environment now and into the future.